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* Standard profile

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DASL Systems s.c.

Business type: Manufacturer
Business type: Exporter, Local market
Number of employees: 5 - 10
Annual sales value: Brak danych
Established year: 2003

Electronics, electrical engineering

Computer Hardware & Software

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Firm Rank: 0

DASL Systems is a software vendor providing sytems for companies related to power and engineering industry. Our modern and innovative solutions aiming to increase efficiency, reduce operating cost and improve quality of services rendered by our customers what finally increases their competitiveness. In our activity we make use of highest technology and know-how acquired through close relations with customers and experts from various branches. Thanks to expert knowledge about market needs our products fulfill requirements of our customers. DASL Systems is simply...

Address data

Postal code:30-646
Region:Lesser Poland
Phone: +48 12 2942001
Fax: +48 12 2942001


Contact person

Name and Surname: Edyta Dąbrowska
Phone: +48 12 2942001
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